Hey there, are you preparing for the Gauhati University BCom 2nd Sem Semester Examination and looking for the Gauhati University Principles of Marketing NEP FYUGP New Syllabus 2024? If yes then you have come to the right place. In this post, we have discussed the complete syllabus which you can read below.
The objective of the Gauhati University Principles of Marketing FYUGP course is that students will be able to analyze consumer behavior, develop marketing strategies, utilize marketing tools and techniques, and evaluate marketing campaigns to target and engage customers in diverse market environments effectively.
GU B.Com 2nd Sem Principles of Marketing (NEP) Latest Syllabus 2024
2nd Semester
Existing based syllabus: UGCBCS
Credit 4
Course Level: 200 to 299
Total Marks: 100
Unit 1: Introduction: Nature, scope, and importance of marketing; Evolution of marketing: Selling vs Marketing; Marketing mix, Marketing environment: concept, importance, and components (Economic, Demographic, Technological, Natural, Socio-Cultural, and Legal). (12 Classes) (20 Marks)
Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour: Nature and Importance, Consumer buying decision process; Factors influencing consumer buying behavior.
a. Market segmentation: concept, importance, and bases: Target market selection: Positioning concept, importance and bases; Product differentiation vs. market segmentation. (12 Classes) (20 Marks)
b. Unit 3: Product: Concept and importance, Product classifications; Concept of product mix; Branding, packaging, and labeling; Product-Support Services; Product life-cycle; New Product Development Process; Consumer adoption process. (12 Classes) (20 Marks)
Unit 4: Pricing: Significance. Factors affecting the price of a product. Pricing policies and strategies. c. Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution: Channels of distribution meaning and importance; Types of distribution channels; Functions of middle man; Factors affecting choice of distribution channel; Wholesaling and retailing; Types of Retailers; e-tailing, Physical Distribution. (12 Classes) (20 Marks)
Unit 5:
a. Promotion: Nature and importance of promotion; Communication process; Types of promotion: advertising, personal selling, public relations & sales promotion, and their distinctive characteristics; Promotion mix and factors affecting promotion mix decisions;
b. Recent developments in marketing: Social Marketing, online marketing, direct marketing, services marketing, green marketing, Rural marketing; Consumerism. (12 Classes) (20 Marks)
Suggested Readings:
1. Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Agnihotri and Ehsanul Haque. Principles of Marketing. 13th edition. Pearson Education.
2 Michael, J. Etzel, Bruce J. Walker, William J Stanton, and Ajay Pandit. Marketing: Concepts and Cases. (Special Indian Edition)., McGraw Hill Education
3. William D. Perreault, and McCarthy, E. Jerome., Basic Marketing. Pearson Education.
4. Majaro, Simon. The Essence of Marketing. Pearson Education, New Delhi.
5. The Consumer Protection Act 1986.
6. Ibacobucci and Kapoor, Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective. Cengage Learning.
7. Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy, Marketing, McGraw Hill Education.
8. Chhabra, T.N., and S. K. Grover. Marketing Management. Fourth Edition. Dhanpat Rai & Company.
9. Neeru Kapoor, Principles of Marketing, PHI Learning
10. Rajendra Maheshwari, Principles of Marketing, International Book House No. of contact Classes: 60
Designer Name: Dr. Angana Borah, Dr. Saptadweepa Shandilya Gauhati University,
angana.ght@gmail.com, saptashandilya@gmail.com
Course Objective: The objective of the course on principles of marketing is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts, strategies, and techniques used in marketing.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will be able to analyze consumer behavior, develop marketing strategies, utilize marketing tools and techniques, and evaluate marketing campaigns to effectively target and engage customers in diverse market environments.
Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Notes
Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing
Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Segmentation
Unit 3: Product Planning and Pricing
Unit 4: Pricing, Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution
Unit 5: Promotion And Recent Developments In Marketing
Last Words
We hope you liked this post on Gauhati University B.Com 2nd Semester Principles of Marketing (FYUGP) Syllabus for 2024. For more such Syllabus, Notes, and Solved question papers you can visit our Guwahati University page through the menu bar. If you have any questions or suggestions you can comment below or Contact us.