GU B.Ed Entrance Exam Question Paper 2023 [Gauhati University B.Ed Entrance Exam]

GU B.Ed Entrance Exam Question Paper 2023/Gauhati University b.Ed entrance exam Question paper 2023: Are you preparing for the Gauhati University b.Ed entrance exam 2024? If yes, then you might be looking for some previous year question papers to practice and improve your skills. Well, you are in luck, because we have collected the Gauhati University b.Ed entrance Exam 2023 question paper from different students who have remembered the questions while appearing in the exam.

This question paper is not official, but it is based on the memory of the students who took the exam in 2023. Therefore, it may not be 100% accurate, but it will give you a good idea of the type and level of questions asked in the exam. You can use this question paper as a reference and a mock test to check your preparation and identify your strengths and weaknesses.


Total time: 2 Hour.

Total question: 100 No.

Date: 06/08/2023.


Q.1. Who was the author of the book ‘Discovery of India’ ? 

Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru.

Q.2. ‘Kabuliyat’ introduced by Sher Sah Suri was an instrument of

Ans: Land Settlement.

Q.3. Who was the fist elected member of constitution assembly ?

Ans: Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

Q.4. When did constitution assembly enact and adopt the Constitution of Inadia?

Ans: 26 November, 1949.

Q.5. ‘Nikayas’ related to ________.

Ans: Buddhism literature.

Q.6. Who wrote ‘Two Treaties of Government’?

Ans: John Locke.

Q.7. Who among the following was not the member of Consitution assembly of India?

Ans: Chandra Sekhar Azad.

Q.8. Habeas corpus belongs to ?

Ans: Fundamental right.

Q.9. Recently DRDO has successfully completed six flight test of which missile system?

Ans: Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile.

Q.10. Rani Gaidinliu was the leader of which of the following movement?

Ans: Heraka Movement.

Q.11. Who was the leader of 1882 uprising of Kacha Nagas ?

Ans: Sambhudan.

Q.12. Kuranganayani was the princes of which province, who became queen of Ahom Kingdom?

Ans: Manipur.

Q.13. What is the rank of India in Human Development Index 2023 ?

Ans: 132. (this option is not given)

Q.14. Who wrote the book ‘Burden of History:Assam ad Partition-Unresolved Issues’ ?

Ans: Udayon Misra.

Q.15. Who was the founder of ‘Assam Sangrakhini bahini’?

Ans– Ambikagiri Raichoudhury.

Q.16. Which of the following is not true about Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojona- Ayushman Bharat scheme ?

Ans: Maximum 5 beneficiary of a family and below the age of 60 can take advantages of this scheme.

Q.17. In MS-Excel, which of the following starts with Equal (=) sign?

Ans: Formulae.

Q.18. Which of the following statement is incorrect about MS- PowerPoint Presantation-

Ans:- You can type text directly into a PowerPoint slide but typing in the text box is more convenient.

Q.19. Which of the following is not listed in ‘Union List’-

Ans: Releif of the disabled and unemployable.

Q.20. Which of the following is not an effect of Global Warming-

(a) rise in sea level

(b) retreat of glacier

(c) increase in UV-B radiation

(d) extreme wethear condition

Ans: (d) Extreme wethear condition.

Q.21. In NEP-2020, ABC stands for- 

Ans: Academic Bank of Credit.

Q.22. NEP-2020 focuses towards-

Ans: Holistic and multidisciplinary education.

Q.23. Main objectives of RMSA-

Ans: To Enhance access to Secondary Education and Improve its Quality.

Q.24. What is the name of Apex body for research in NEP-2020.

Ans: Higher Education Commission of India.

Q25. What is the name of educational learning platform

Ans: SWAYAM Prabha.

Q.26. National Scholarship Portal is a plateform of –

Ans: Application, processing, verification and sanctioned of government scholarship to students.

Q.27. Which of the following scheme is related to education of disabled person?

Ans: Samagra Siksha Abhiyan.

Q.28. According to NEP-2020, teacher will able to teach lessons in mother tongue upto grade

Ans: Grade-V

Q.29. NEP-2020, aims to increase the gross enrolment ratio in higher education from 26.3% (2018) to 50% by which year ? 

Ans: 2035.

Q.30. Which of the following statemet is correct about National Institute of Open Schooling (NOIS)- 


Q.31. If 25 + 2/2 = 40 and 35 + 5/2 = 60 then 45 + 2/2 =

Ans: 80

Q.32. ?, 8, 27, 64.

In the given series what will replace the question mark ?

Ans: 1

Q.33. If 139 = 1981 and 357 = 92549 then 192123= ?

Ans: 361441529

Q.34. A man said to a lady “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my mother”. How man related to the lady ?

Ans: Cousin.

Q.35. P, Q, R and S playing a game of carom. P,R and S,Q are partners. S is to the right of R who is facing West. Then, Q is facing-

Ans: North.

Q.36. A man starts from a point, walks 2km towards North, then turns towards his right and walks 1km and then turns again towards his right and walks 2km. What is the direction now he is facing ?

Ans: South.

Q.37. If HOUSE is coded as FQSUC, then CHAIR will be coded as


Q.38. What will replace the question mark in- 9:25::49: ?

Ans: 81.

Q.39. 9, 21, 45, 93, ?, 381.

In the given series what will replace the question mark ?

Ans: 189

Q.40. Find out the odd one- 4, 16, 2, 36

Ans: 2

Q.41. Find out the odd one- Throat, Eye, Ear, Skin.

Ans: Throat.

Q.42. Select the related word from the given alternatives:

Jailor:Prison:: Curator: ?

Ans: Museum.

Q.43. If a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 = 83 a+b+c+= 15 find ab+bc+ca.

Ans: 7

Q.44. The length of a median of an equilateral tringle is 12sqrt(3) Find the area of this triangle.

Ans: 144√3 cm²

Q.45. The age of the father, four years ago was 8 times of the age of son. At present, the father’s age is 4 times that of his so. Find the present age of son.

Ans: 7 Years.

Q.46. The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is RS. 12000. The average salary of 7 technicians is RS. 15000 and the average salary of the rest is RS. 9000. The total number of workers in the workshop is:

Ans: 14

Q. 47. A canteen requires 56kg rice for one week. How many kgs of rice will it require for the month of April and May together?

Ans: 488 kg.

Q.48. In a marriage party 32% are women, 54% are men and there are 196 children. How many men are there in the marriage party?

Ans: 756

Q.49. If x + 1 / x = 5 then the value of x / 1 + x + x²is

Ans: 1/6

Q.50. If_sinø+cosø=1, then sinø.cosø= ?

Ans: 0

Q.51. If a : b = 2:3 and b : c = 5:3 the a : c = ?

Ans: 10:9

Q.52. A man travels 80 km in 2 hours and a train travels 180 km in 3 hours. The ratio of the speed of the man to the train is :

Ans: 2:3

Q.53. In a triangle ABC, AB = 8cm AC = 10 cm and angle B = 90 deg , then the area of triangle ABC is:

Ans: 24 cm²

Q.54. Find the opposite meaning of Courage among the followings:

Ans:- covered

Q.55. Find the correctly spelt word-

Ans: Commensurate.

Q.56. I am angry ….. Leela for her inability to make a decision.

Ans: with

Q.57. The boy laughed at the beggar. Change the voice. 

Ans: The beggar was laughed at by the boy.

Q.59. The two brothers look so one of them … that is difficult to tell

Ans: identical

Q.60. My father has been advised to his smoking.

Ans: cut down

61. The aim of RMSA is

Ans : RMSA aims to enhance access to secondary education and improve its quality. 

62. Karunganyani was a

Ans: Manipuri princes

63. Habeas corpus belongs to

Ans: Fundamental Right. 

64. Nikaya is related to

Ans : Budhism

65. When Indian constitution act was accepted/adopted.

Ans : 26 November 1949

67. The book “Discovery of India” was written by

Ans: Jawarharlal Nehru. 

68. Which country hosted the first G20 summit

Ans: USA

69. Who was the first elected President it of of the constituent assembly?

Ans : Sachidanand Sinha

70. The NEP 2020 aims at increasing the higher education GER to 50% by which year

Ans : 2035

71. India rank in HDI 2023

Ans : 132

72. Hasta muktawali is associated with

Ans : Dancing technique

73. Burden of history – assam and partitionwas written by

Ans: Udayan Misra

74. Kabuliyat associated with the

Ans : sher shah suri

75. Rani gaidilu leader of which movement

Ans: Heraka movement Nagaland

76. Which of the following is not listed in the 8th schedule of the constitution A

Ans: Rajasthani

77. Recently DRDO tested which missile for 6 times?

Ans : QRSM

78. Who wrotes Two Treaties of Government

Ans : John Locke

79. Name the book written by Montesquien

Ans: The Spirit of Laws

80. If a + b + c = 15 a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + c ^ 2 = 83 then ab + bc + ca =

Ans: 71 

81. 9, 21, 45, 93, ?, 381

Ans : 189

82. ?, ?, 8, 27, 64

Ans : 1

83. Find odd one out

4, 2, 16, 8

Ans: 2

84. A canteen requires 56 kg s rice for 7 days. How many kg s of rice will require for the month of April and May together?

Ans : 488 kg

85. 9 : 25 :: 49 : ?

Ans: 81

86. If a car goes 80 km in 2 hour and a train goes 180 km in 3 hours. Find the ratio between the speed of car and train. 

Ans : 2:3

87. In a triangle ABC, AB = 8cm , AC = 10cm and B = 90 Then the area of ABC is

Ans : 24 cm²

88. Jailor : Prison :: Curator : ?

Ans : Museum

89. HOUSE : FQSUC :: CHAIR : ?


90. Find odd one out

Eye, Skin, Ear, Throat

Ans: Throat

91. In a marriage party 32% are women, 54% are men and there are 196 children. How many men are there in the marriage party

Ans : 756

92. If 25 + 5/2 = 40 and 35 + 5/2 = 60 then 45 + 5/2 =^ prime nes

Ans : 80

93. Voice change The boy laughed at the bigger

Ans : The beggar was laughed at by the boy

94. The brothers looks so to tell them that is difficult. 

Ans: identical

95. My mother said, “Finish your homework”

Ans: My mother told me to finish my homework 

96. Synonym of Transient

Ans: temporary, short term,ephemeral 

97. The opposite of Courage is

Ans : Cowardice

98. Antonym of Persuade

Ans : discourage, fail

99. Which of the following scheme is related to education of disabled person

Ans : Samagra Siksha Abhiyan

100. In MS excel which of the following starts with (=) sign

Ans : Frmulae


Some Extra Question

1. who is leader of 1882 uprising of Kacha Nagas

Ans : Sambhudan

2. The traveller was looking for-

Ans: Somewhere to sleep.

3. The traveller sat outside because

Ans: Waiting for room to ready.

4. When the old man wanted to tell his future, the traveller-

Ans: Couldn’t decide.

5. Why the traveller asked the old man to tell his past first?

Ans: He didn’t believe the old man.

6. What did the owner of restaurant thought about the old man?

Ans: Mad.


We hope Gauhati University B.ed Entrance Exam Question paper 2023 helpful for your preparation.

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