Get AHSEC Class 12 The Last Lesson Question answers prepared as per academic session 2025. HS 2nd Year The Last Lesson Solution with most important questions can be a great resource for your preparation.
About Class 12 English The Last Lesson
Alphonse Daudet was a French novelist, who started writing at an early age. He was born in Nimes and hailed from an affluent family. His writing was shaped by his actual experiences in life. His later writings reveal his preoccupation with conflicts in relationships. so, let being the summary of the last lesson
Brief Summary of the Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet AHSEC Class 12
The summary of the Last Lesson tells that ‘The Last Lesson’ is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War, in which France was defeated by Prussia (comprising Germany, Poland and parts of Austria) led by Bismarck. In the story, the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine have passed into Prussian hands. Teaching of French language was ordered to be discontinued and the French teachers were asked to leave.
The story is narrated by a young school boy, Franz and it describes the last French lesson given by M. Hamel, who had been teaching in the same place for the last forty years.
Assam Board Class 12 English Notes for 2025 Exam
Chapter 1: The Last Lesson
The Last Lesson Very Short Question Answers for 1 marks
Question No.1. Why was the lesson called the ‘Last Lesson”? (AHSEC Exam 2014)
Answer: It was the last lesson as an order from Berlin came that only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine from the very next day.
Question No.2. I started for school very late that morning. Who is the ‘I’ ‘here’? (AHSEC Exam 2012)
ANS: The I here refers to little Franz.
Question No.3. What did M. Hamel do when he wanted to go on a holiday? (AHSEC Exam 2013)
Answer: Whenever M. Hame! wanted to go on a holiday or for fishing, he just gave his students also a holiday.
Question No.4. What had been put up on the bulletin board? (AHSEC Exam 2014)
Answer: An order from Berlin that German language was to be imposed on the people of Alsace and Lorraine was put up on the bulletin board.
Question No.5. What did M Hamel write at the end of the class? (AHSEC Exam 2015)
Answer: “Vive la France !”
Question No.6. What did Franz think ‘for a moment’?(AHSEC Exam 2016)
Answer: For a moment Franz thought of running away and spending the glorious day outdoors in a more pleasurable manner.
Question No.7. What was written in the new copies brought by M. Hamel for the students in a beautiful round hand? (AHSEC Exam 2017)
Answer: The words ‘France, Alsace’ were written in the new copies brought by M. Hamel for the students in a beautiful round hand.
Question No.8. What is the name of the blacksmith in “The Last Lesson”. (AHSEC Exam 2018)
Answer: The blacksmith in “The Last lesson” was Witcher.
Question No.9. What is the Name of the river mentioned in “The Last Lesson” ? (AHSEC Exam 2019)
Answer: The Name of the river mentioned in “The Last Lesson” is Saar.
Question No.10. Who is the writer of the story “The Last Lesson”. (AHSEC 2022,2023)
Answer: Alphonse Daudet.
Question No.11. Who asked Franz not to hurry to school ? (AHSEC 2024)
The Last Lesson Short Question Answers for 2 marks
Question No.1. Why did little Franz want to spend his day out of doors?(AHSEC Exam 2012)
Answer: M. Hamel announced that he would question his students on participles. But Franz had not prepared his lessons and had also started late for school. So, he feared a scolding from his teacher, M. Hamel. Moreover, the warm weather, the bright day, the woods, open fields and chirping of birds amused Franz a lot. Hence, he was tempted to run away from school and spend his day out of doors.
Question No.2. What are M Hamel’s views about the French language? (AHSEC Exam 2012, 2013, 2016)
Answer: According to M Hamel the French language was world’s most beautiful, clearest and logical language and therefore it should be guarded and should not be forgotten by them. He also added that the love with one’s own language can be proven as the key to the prison for the people who are enslaved.
Question No.3. What was the commotion that Franz anticipated in the classroom? (AHSEC Exam 2013, 2015)
Answer: Franz anticipated the usual scenario on reaching the school. There used to be great bustle, which could be heard out in street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison very loud and the teacher’s great ruler’s rapping on the table.
Question No.4. Why was the lesson called the last lesson? (AHSEC Exam 2014)
Answer: The lesson was called the last lesson because an order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. As the new master was supposed to come the following day, it was the last French lesson of the old master.
Question No.5. What had been put up on the bulletin board? (AHSEC Exam 2014)
Answer: From the last two years, all the bad news had come from the bulletin board. And now, another bad news shocked the residents and the town. An order had come from Berlin, German language was to be imposed on the people of Alsace and Lorraine. Now only the German teachers will teach German to the French speaking population school that day?
Question No.6. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for (AHSEC Exam 2015)
Answer: Franz was expected to be prepared with participles that day for school, as Mr. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles.
Question No.7. Why did Franz want to spend his day out of doors?(AHSEC Exam 2016, 2017)
Answer: Franz had been very late for school that day. M.Hamel said that he would question them on “participles’. Franz knew nothing about them. He was thus scared of a scolding from the teacher. To avoid all such troubles, he wanted to spend the day outdoors.
Question No.8. Why did M. Hamel not blame Franz alone for his inability to learn? (AHSEC Exam 2017)
Answer: M. Hamel did not blame Franz alone for neglecting his studies because there were many other young as well as old Frenchmen who could neither speak nor write their own language. Instead, he blamed the parents who preferred their children to not go to school but to work on a firm or at the mills. He also blamed himself because he often gave his pupils a holiday or asked them to water his flowers whenever he wanted to go fishing or on a holiday.
Question No.9. Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons? What does this sentence suggest? (AHSEC Exam 2018)
Answer: The aforesaid sentence suggests that the GermAnswer were harsh and hostile rulers. They had imposed every possible rule on the people of Alsace and Lorraine. They could take away the education of the children and their native language for their mere political interest. Even little Franz understood the level of their hostility and so said that someday they would make even the pigeons sing in German.
Question No.10. What words did M. Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class? What did they mean? (AHSEC Exam 2019)
Answer: Before dismissing the last class, M Hamel turned to the blackboard, and wrote the phrase, ‘Vive La France! ‘ as large as he could. These words meant ‘Long live France’, and spoke of M Hamel’s great love for his country and his deep sense of patriotism.
Question No.11. What would Franz love to do on that sunny morning instead of going to school? (AHSEC Exam 2019)
Answer: Franz thought of running away and spending the day out of doors. He wanted to enjoy the bright day, the chirping of the birds and the drill of the Prussian soldiers. He was tempted to run away from school.
Question No.12. What, according to M. Hamel, is the great trouble with Alsace? (AHSEC Exam 2020)
Answer: According to M. Hamel, the ‘great trouble with Alsace’ is that its inhabitants keep on procrastinating and put off learning till tomorrow.
Question No.13. What would Franz love to do on that sunny morning instead of going to school ? (AHSEC Exam 2022)
Answer: He would love to spend the day out of doors. He would love to seek birds’ eggs, or go sliding on the Saar on that sunny morning instead of going to school.
Question No.14. Why did M. Hamel write “Viva La France” before dismissing his class? (AHSEC Exam 2023)
Answer: M. Hamel wrote “Vive La France” before dismissing his class in the short story “The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet as a gesture of love, respect, and pride towards his country.
Question No.15. What changes came over Frantz after he heard M. Hamel’s announcement? (AHSEC Exam 2023)
Answer: Franz found out that M. Hamel would not teach him French anymore because only German was going to be taught in the schools. This news changed Franz’s attitude towards his teacher and school. He regretted that he had never learned his lessons properly.
Question No.16. How differ on usual was the atmosphere at school on the day of the last lesson ? (AHSEC Exam 2022)
Answer: The order from Berlin caused some changes in the school that day. The entire school seemed strange and solemn. The villagers were sitting on the back benches of the classroom quietly to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service and for showing their respect for the country. M Hamel also had put on his best dress on that day though it was not an inspection or prize day. The order from Berlin also brought a sense of repentance for those who in spite of having time didn’t learn French properly.
Question No.17.How was M. Hamel dressed differently that day? [AHSEC 2024]
Answer: He was wearing his beautiful green coat, with a frilled shirt, and a little black silk cap, all embroidered. He usually wore this dress on inspection and on the days of function or prize distribution.
Question No.18. Translate “Viva la France” into English. Where was it written? [AHSEC 2024]
Answer: The phrase “Viva la France” translates to “Long live France” in English. It was written on the blackboard by M. Hamel during his last French lesson in the story “The Last Lesson.”
The Last Lesson Long Question Answers for 5 or 7 marks
1. What was the order from Berlin? How did that order affect the people of Alsace, particularly M. Hamel and his students? (AHSEC Exam 2012)
Answer: The order from Berlin stated that only German will be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The order effected many changes, as an unusual silence prevailed in the school, compared to the hustle and bustle earlier. M Hamel became soft in speaking to the students, while the people realised the importance of their language. The villagers even attended the school to show respect to M Hamel. The teacher, M. Hamel, called upon them to guard their language as their language was the key to their unity and liberation. Everyone listened to him with much attention and respect.
2. Describe the unusual things that Franz noticed on the day of the last lesson. (AHSEC Exam 2013, 2017)
Give a detailed account of the scene in the classroom on the day of the last old (AHSEC Exam 2015)
Answer: The order from Berlin caused some changes in the school that day. The entire school seemed strange and solemn. The villagers were sitting on the back benches of the classroom quietly to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service and for showing their respect for the country. M Hamel also had put on his best dress on that day though it was not an inspection or prize.
3. How does M. Hamel make the people realize how they, the students and he have been responsible for not learning their language well? (AHSEC Exam 2020)
Answer: M. Hamel did not wish to blame Franz for his failure to learn his lessons. He said that there were others also to be blamed. The children’s parents were not too keen on their children getting education. They preferred to send them to work on a farm or at the mills so that a little more money could be generated. M. Hamel blamed himself too, and said that he was also responsible for the children’s failure to learn. He used to send them to water the flowers in his garden instead of making them learn their lessons. Whenever he wanted to go fishing, he used to give them a holiday. He pointed out that the great trouble with the inhabitants of Alsace was that they always practiced procrastination and put off learning their language to an indefinite time. They used to think that they had plenty of time, and learning could take place later. On account of this, others will have the opportunity of telling them that despite being Frenchmen, they can neither speak nor read their own language fluently.
AHSEC Class 12 English: The Last Lesson Additional Question Answers
1. How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Answer: Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school changed t totally after he got to know about the order imposing German language in his school. A strong patriotic feeling developed in him, He started adoring his books, which were once so heavy to carry as his old friends now. Moreover, Franz felt respect for his teacher, M. Hamel. He ignored about his cranky behaviour and his ruler Instead he wanted him to not leave the school but rather stay back.
Thus Franz felt a new love and respect for M. Hamel and his school which were earlier a nuisance for him in his life.
2. Describe the impact of notice on Franz, M. Hamel and senior villagers?
Answer: The notice affected everybody deeply. Franz thought why he wasted his time on leisure activities instead of learning his own language. The books which would seem him as a burden now those books seemed to be old friends to him. H. Hamel was feeling guilty for sending his students for his personal tasks. Villagers were feeling guilty that why they did not send their children to study instead of sending them on the farm for earning money.
3. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
Answer: The order from Berlin caused man changes in the school that day. The entire school seemed strange and solemn. The old villagers were sitting on the back benches of the classroom quietly to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service and for showing their respect for the country. M Hamel also had put on his best dress on that day though it was not an inspection or prize day. The order from Berlin also brought a sense of repentance for those who in spite of having time didn’t learn the French properly.
4. How did Franz’s feelings about M Hamel and school change?
Answer: Earlier Franz didn’t like M. Hamel much because of his ruler and cranky nature and he would feel fear from him but now all those feelings were entirely changed for M Hamel. The message conveyed by M Hamel about the order from Berlin was a thunderclap for little Franz. He immediately felt sorry for not being sincere in the school and for not learning the French language and other lessons properly. His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier are now Franz’s old friends.
5. What reasons did M Hamel give for their lack of interest in learning French?
Answer: The lack of interest in learning French was:
(a) due to the parents who wanted their children to work in farm or mill to earn,
(b) due to the students who were reluctant to learn and often put off the lesson for the next day
(c) and due to himself as he them to water the flower and gave them off when he had to go for fishing.
6. Describe how M Hamel conducted the last lesson.
Answer: In his last French class though M. Hamel was emotional he fully involved himself in the teaching learning process. He heard every lesson to the last sitting motionless in the chair. When the church bell struck twelve he stood up pale and wrote ‘Vive La Frence’ and with a gesture he communicated that the school is dismissed.
7. What was unusual about M Hamel’s dress on his last day in the school?
Answer: M Hamel had put on his ceremonial clothes on his last day in the school. He was wearing a beautiful green coat, a frilled shirt, and a little black embroidered silk cap. This was a special ceremonial attire which he usually wore on days of inspection and prize distribution.
8. Mention two Things About M Hamel that surprised Franz on his last day at school.
Answer: M Hamel didn’t scold Franz for being late; instead he told him very kindly to go to his place. Also, that day he was dressed in his best clothes: he was in his beautiful green coat. frilled shirt and little black silk cap with embroidery, which he wore only on inspection or prize days.
9. Why older villagers were presented in the class that day?
Answer: The older villagers were presented in class as they were feeling sorry for not sending their children to study in school instead they sent them to the farms and mills to earn extra money. One more reason for their presence was that they wanted to pay their respect to the teacher who served them for forty years.
10. “He had the courage to hear every lesson to the very Tast.” What led Franz to make this remark?
Answer: Frantz noticed how sad Hamel was on having to leave a place which he held so dear for 40 long years and not being allowed to teach French. any longer. But he kept a tab on his emotions and performed his duties faithfully. He called off the class after listening to every lesson to the last. Hamel’s dignified stance and his loyalty to his duty forced Franz to such realisation.
11. Why Franz was afraid of going to school that day?
Answer: The teacher M. Hamel had asked students to prepare for a test on Participles and Franz even didn’t even know a single word of it so he was not feeling like to go to school that day. Also Franz was afraid of M Hamel’s cruel iron ruler, which he usually kept under his arm and he was famous as very strict teacher.
12. What news has been displayed on the bulletin board since the last two years in “The Last Lesson”.
Answer: The bulletin board in the town-hall had always displayed unwelcome news for the last two years. The people got the news of the lost battles and other terrible orders of the commanding officers from the bulletin board itself.
13. Why did Wachter, the blacksmith, tell Franz not to hurry to school?
Answer: Wachter told Franz not to hurry to school because he thought that Franz had plenty of time to reach school. This was because of the news that was displayed on the bulletin board in the town hall.
14. Why was Franz surprised to see M. Hamel on that particular morning when he went in late?
Answer: That morning, Franz was very much surprised when he saw his teacher, M. Hamel. M. Hamel, who was usually very strict, seemed to be very kind and lenient that day. He didn’t rebuke nor punish Franz for being late. Instead, he kindly asked (Franz to take his seat as they were beginning without him. Moreover, Franz was also surprised because M. Hamel that day, wore his best dress, the green coat, the frilled shirt and the little black silk cap which he wore only on special occasions.
15. What were the topics and subjects taken up by M. Hamel on the day of the last lesson? [AHSEC 2024]
Answer: On the day of the final lesson, M. Hamel covered a range of subjects. He began with a grammar lesson, stressing the importance of the French language and its preservation. This was followed by a writing exercise where students practiced penmanship with phrases like “France, Alsace,” symbolizing their national identity. Additionally, a history lesson was given, reflecting on the cultural heritage of their region. The younger students recited their alphabet while the older ones listened attentively. Throughout the day, M. Hamel demonstrated patience and dedication, imparting knowledge with care amidst the looming changes brought about by the Prussian occupation. His teachings. not only focused on academic subjects but also instilled a deeper appreciation for their language and heritage, emphasizing the importance of holding onto their identity in times of adversity.
Last Words
We hope you find these Important Question Answers, prepared by our team on AHSEC Class 12 English, ‘The Last Lesson,’ helpful. We’ve included previous year questions with answers, along with additional ones for upcoming examinations. Our aim is to provide you with the best possible resources to help you score well. Still if you have any questions or suggestion feel free to comment below.
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