AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2024 [HS 2nd Year, Assam Board]

Get AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2024 [HS 2nd Year Biology Paper 2024], Conducted by Assam Board i.e AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council). It is a state education regulatory board under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, Government of Assam that is responsible to regulate, supervise and develop the system of Higher Secondary Education in the State of Assam

An Overview of AHSEC Class 12 Mathematics Question Paper 2024

Name of Board AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council)
Class 12th Standard Assam Board 
Subject Biology
Mode of ExamOffline written exam.
Full Marks 70
Category AHSEC Preview Year question Papers 
Official Website https://ahsec.assam.gov.in

AHSEC Class 12 Biology Question Paper 2024

Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


1. Name the bacterium used in pesticides. 1

2. Who first coined the term ‘mutation’? 1

3. Give an example of adaptive radiation. 1

4. What is gene therapy? 1

5. Answer the following: 2 x 4= 8

(a) Write the biotic component of an ecosystem.

(b) Name one homologous and one analogous organ of plant.

(c) Define fermentation. Name one microorganism used in industrial fermentation.

(d) Mention the different kinds of pollination.

6. Write short notes on: (any two) 2 x 2=4

(a) Embryo sac

(b) Antibiotic

(c) Ecological succession

7. Write the scientific name with the utility of the following plants: (any two) 2+2=4

(a) Neem

(b) Rauwolfia

(c) Cinchona

(d) Sal

8. How is genetically engineered insulin produced? 3


Describe the various types of ecological pyramids. 3

9. Draw and describe the different parts of a complete flower. 1+2=3


Explain the Hardy-Weinberg principle. 3

10. Write an account on biotechnological application in agriculture. 4


Write briefly on modern synthetic theory of evolution. 4

11. Describe the carbon cycle in ecosystem with diagram. 5


Describe the process of tissue culture. 5

Part-II (Zoology)

1. Fill in the blanks: (any two) 1 x 2= 2

(a) The acrosomal vesicle of mature sperm contains _________enzyme.

(b) ________was known as father of genetics.

(c) Transgenic cow milk contains ________protein.

(d) The disease transmitted through sexual intercourse is called ________.

2. Answer any two: 1 x 2= 2

(a) What is ovulation?

(b) Name one contagious disease.

(c) What is human genome?

(d) Name the host plant of Muga silkworm.

3. Answer any four: 2 x 4= 8

(a) Write the different stages of fertilization.

(b) What is meant by incomplete dominance?

(c) Write the name of the enzymes in DNA replication.

(d) Mention the various types of cancer.

(e) Name two biosphere reserves of North-East Region of India.

4. Write the differences between: (any two) 2 x 2= 4

(a) Linkage and recombination

(b) Nucleotide and nucleoside

(c) Vaccination and immunization

(d) Addiction and dependence

5. Draw a labelled diagram of T.S. of testis. 3


Draw a labeled diagram of transmission process in bacterial cell. 3

6. What is genetic diversity? Write its difference from ecological diversity. 1+2=3


Define mutation. Write about the differences between deletion and duplication. 1+2=3

7. Write the diseases of silkworm 3

8. How did Griffith prove that DNA is the genetic material?5


Describe the various population growth factors. 5

9. Describe the reproductive health problems and strategies. 5


Describe the salient features of human genome. 5

Also Read: AHSEC Class 12 Mathematics Question Paper 2024

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