AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023 [HS 1st Year Economics Paper]

One of the best ways to do well in examinations is by referring to AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023. These papers are a valuable resource for finding out about the examination pattern, commonly asked questions, and number of marks allotted to each topic.

In this post, we have published AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023. You can prepare for your exams by reading Assam Board HS 1st Year Economics Paper 2023 which is available on The Treasure Notes site. This Assam HS 1st Year Previous Year Question Paper is for Economics subject and contains actual questions asked in past year exams.

So going through the Economics question paper will give you a good idea of what types of questions to expect from the HS 1st Year Economics syllabus, difficulty level, and question distribution. Therefore this AHSEC Economics Question Paper helps in improving your exam preparation.

An Overview of AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023

Name of Examination AHSEC HS Class 11 Examination 
Name of Board AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council)
Class 11 (H.S First Year)
Subject Economics
Year 2023
Full Marks 100
Official Website https://ahsec.assam.gov.in/

AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023 Assam Board

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


(Introductory Microeconomics)

1. Answer the following as directed: 1×6=6

(a) Define the term ‘scarcity’.

(b) Opportunity cost is also known as __________cost. (Fill in the blank)

(c) What is the budget line?

(d) Define variable cost.

(e) TC = ________ + TFC. (Fill in the blank)

(f) Why is the AC curve ‘U’ shaped?

2. Answer the following questions: 2×6=12

(a) Distinguish between microeconomics and macro-economics. 2


What are the central problems of an economy?

(b) Write two determinants of individual demand. 2


What is inferior good? Give one example. 1+1=2

(c) Define the following: 1+1=2

(i) Total product

(ii) Marginal product


Briefly explain the concepts of short run and long run. 1+1=2

(d) Distinguish between fixed cost and variable cost. 2


Draw a long-run marginal cost curve and long-run average cost curve. 1+1=2

(e) What is the relationship between AR and MR? 2


Prove that for a firm, price = average revenue.

(f) Write two factors that affect the market supply of a commodity. 2


If the percentage change in quantity supplied is 10 and the percentage change in price is 4, calculate the price elasticity of supply.

3. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility with the help of a schedule and diagram. 4


Define price elasticity of demand. Mention any three factors influencing the price elasticity of demand for a commodity. 1+3=4

4. What is meant by returns to a factor? State the three phases of the law of variable proportions. 1+3=4


From the data given below, calculate (a) marginal cost and (b) average cost: 2+2=4

Total cost1020283438424856

5. Mention four features of perfect competition. 4


Distinguish monopoly market and monopolistic market.

6. Distinguish between price ceiling and price floor. 4


Mention the effects of the following on the supply of a commodity: 2+2=4

(a) Fall in the price of factors

(b) Rise in the per unit tax

7. How does the imposition of per unit tax affect the supply curve of a firm? 4


The demand and supply functions of a firm in a perfectly competitive market are given below:

D = 5 – 2p

S = -25 + 3p

Where, P = Price, D = Quantity Demanded, and S = Quantity Supplied.

Find the equilibrium price and quantity. 2+2=4

8. What is consumer equilibrium? Explain the conditions of consumer equilibrium with the help of a schedule and diagram.


Discuss how the market demand curve is derived from individual demand curves. 6

9. “Under perfect competition, the industry is the price maker and the firm is the price taker.” Explain.


With the help of a suitable diagram, explain the process of determining of equilibrium price of a commodity under a perfectly competitive market.

(Statistics for Economics)

10. Answer the following as directed: 1*6=6
(a) Who is known as the father of statistics?
(b) What do you mean by wholesale price index?
(c) Write one merit of direct personal investigation.
(d) Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?
(i) Arithmetic mean
(ii) Median
(iii) Mode
(iv) All of the above (Choose the correct option)
(e) _______is the difference between the largest value and the smallest value. (Fill in the blank)
(f) What is Lorenz curve?

11. Answer the following questions: 2×6=12

(a) Define the term ‘statistics’ in the plural and singular sense. 2


Write two importance of statistics in economics.

(b) Write two characteristics of statistics. 2


Mention any two limitations of statistics.

(c) Calculate the range and coefficient of range from the following data: 2

8, 12, 18, 22, 13, 20


Write two demerits of range.

(d) Mention two merits of the median. 2


Write the formula for calculating the median in the continuous frequency distribution.

(e) State two demerits of standard deviation.


Mention four alternative methods for the calculation of standard deviation in discrete series.

(f) What is a scatter diagram? Write one merit of the scatter diagram. 1+1=2


What is an arithmetic line graph? Mention one of its uses. 1+1=2

12. Write four main parts of a good table. 4


Define sampling errors. Mention its main types. 1+3=4

13. What is diagrammatic presentation? How is it useful in economic analysis? 1+3=4


Draw a histogram and polygon from the following table: 2+2=4

Marks obtained10-2020-3030-4040-5050-6060-70
No. of students10121620189

14. Define arithmetic mean. Discuss its properties. 1+3=4


Calculate quartile deviation from the following table: 4


15. What is dispersion? Discuss the characteristics of a good measure of dispersion. 1+3=4


Distinguish between absolute and relative measures of dispersion. 4

16. What are the essentials of a good measure of central tendency? 4


Define correlation. Discuss its main types.

17. What do you mean by primary data? Explain the different methods of collecting primary data. 1+5=6


Define classification. Describe briefly its main objectives. 1+5=6

18. Explain the meaning and importance of index numbers. 2+4=6


Calculate the mean median and mode from the following frequency distribution: 2+2+2=6

Class interval20-2525-3030-3535-4040-4545-5050-5555-60



1. What is the AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023?

The AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023 is a set of questions asked in the previous year’s Assam Board HS 1st Year Economics exam.

2. Where can I find the AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023?

You can read the question paper from the Treasure Notes website.

3. What does the AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023 contain?

The question paper contains actual questions from past year exams, covering the entire Economics syllabus for Class 11 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC).

4. How can the AHSEC Class 11 Economics Question Paper 2023 help me in my studies?

By studying the previous year’s question paper, you can get a good idea of question types, the structure of the paper, and the marking scheme, which can help you prepare more effectively for your exams.

Last Words

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