2023 Marketing Management and Human Resource Management Question Paper, Calcutta University (Hons/Regular)

In this Post we have provided CU Marketing management and Human Resource Management Question Paper 2023 Calcutta University (Hons/Regular) which can be very useful for Upcoming exam preparation.

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Calcutta University Marketing Management and Human Resource Management Question Paper 2023 (Hons/Regular)



Paper: CC 2.2 Chg

Full Marks: 80

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Group – A

Choose the correct option in the following questions. 1×20

1) Which of the following is not included in the scope of HRM?

(A) Labour aspect

(B) Product quality aspect

(C) Industrial relations aspect

(D) Welfare aspect

2) HR Manager is —

(A) a Motivator

(B) an Advisor

(C) a Trainer

(D) All of these

3) Which of the following factors is not an element of Marketing Mix? 

(A) Price

(B) Perception

(C) Product

(D) Promotion

4) Brand is ——

(A) a sign 

(B) a symbol

(C) a name

(D) All of these

5) Which of the following a not the direct result of training?

(A) Accident reduction 

(B) Wastage reductions

(C) Productivity improvment

(D) Publicity reduction

6) The basic element of Job Evaluation is ——-

(A) Job Analysis

(B) Joe Description 

(C) Job Comparison

(D) All of these

7) Marketing is to ——-

(A) sell

(B) promote

(C) advertise

(D) All of these

8) Marketing Management is ——–

(A) an Art

(B) a Science

(C) both Art and Science

(D) None of these.

9) Recruitment is the process by which ———

(A) employees are selected

(B) prospective employees are encouraged to apply

(C) employees are placed in right position

(D) All of these

10) Selection Test is ——

(A) a Written Test

(B) a Graphology Test

(C) an Intelligence Test

(D) All of these.

11) Societal Marketing is to ——-

(A) earn money

(B) satisfy customers

(C) protect the larger interest of the society by satisfying customers and also earning money

(D) provide social service.

12) ____ is considered as the father of modern marketing management.

(A) Philip Kotler

(B) P. F. Drucker

(C) A. Maslow

(D) Henry Fayol.

13) Which of the following is included in Price-mix?

(A) Discount

(B) Advertisement

(C) Packaging

(D) Product design

14) Which of the following is not included in economic environment?

(A) Population Income

(B) Savings of the population

(C) Average life expectancy of the population

(D) Tax rates

15) Human resources are the sum total of ——-

(A) employees’ knowledge

(B) employees’ talent

(C) employees’ skills and capabilities

(D) All of these.

16) The very nature of Human Resource Management (HRM) is that it is —–

(A) a continuous process

(B) a people oriented process

(C) an auxiliary but integral process

(D) All of these

17) Market consists of ——

(A) potential customers

(B) actual customers

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

18) The process by which the consumers decide to select, purchase and use the product or service is called ——-

(A) market segmentation

(B) product differentiation

(C) target market

(D) consumer behaviour

19) Human Resource Planning is ——

(A) short-term process

(B) long-term process

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these.

20) Job analysis is ——

(A) job description

(B) job specification

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

Group – B

Choose the correct option in the following questions. 2×30

1) Feature of marketing is that ——-

(A) it is a progressive process

(B) it is a dynamic process

(C) it is a linking function

(D) All of these.

2) Which of the following is not included in the dimensions of product-mix?

(A) Product Width

(B) Product Depth

(C) Product Length

(D) Product Distribution

3) Demographic environment includes ——

(A) income of the population

(B) population structure

(C) population density

(D) All of these

4) Which of the following items is not included in macro-marketing environment?

(A) Technological environment

(B) Market demand and consumer

(C) Natural environment

(D) Economic environment.

5) Which marketing environment considers ‘competitors’ as an element?

(A) Demographic environment

(B) Micro environment

(C) Macro environment

(D) Technological environment

6) The main issue of Production Concept of marketing is ——

(A) development of product standard

(B) innovation of new concept

(C) easy availability of low priced product 

(D) changing product design

7) “Consumer Satisfaction” is the main issue of ——-

(A) the selling concept 

(B) the exchange concept.

(C) the marketing concept

(D) the societal marketing concept.

8) Consumer behaviour is ——

(A) a changing process

(B) a complex process

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

9) Which of the following is included in the scope of marketing research?

(A) Market Research

(B) Research on price

(C) Research on competition

(D) All of these.

10) The stages of Product Life Cycle are respectively ——

(A) Introduction, Maturity, Decline and Growth

(B) Growth, Introduction, Decline and Maturity

(C) Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline 

(D) Introduction, Decline, Growth and Maturity

11) Skimming Pricing is used when ——-

(A) the product is conceptually and technically new

(B) the market is highly price sensitive

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

12) Which of the following is not included in non-store retailing?

(A) Super market

(B) Automatic Vending Machine

(C) Direct selling

(D) Online selling

13) Advertisement is a ——–

(A) non-personal presentation

(B) non-commercial presentation

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

14) Sales promotional programmes are ——

(A) mostly short-term measures

(B) direct measures

C) quickly excitement creating measures

(D) All of these

15) Direct selling is done through ——

(A) one-level channel of distribution 

(B) two-level channel of distribution

(C) three-level channel of distribution

(D) zero-level channel of distribution

16) Human resources are ——

(A) heterogeneous

(B) dynamic

(C) living

(D) All of these

17) Which of the following is not correct?

(A) HRM is application oriented

(B) HRM is progressive

(C) HRM is inter-disciplinary

(D) HRM is static

18) Identify the correct order of the functions of HRM from the following:

(A) Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Induction

(B) Selection, Induction, Placement and Recruitment

(C) Induction, Selection, Recruitment and Placement

(D) Placement, Selection, Recruitment and Induction

19) Downsizing is ——-

(A) planned employee development

(B) planned employee reduction

(C) planned employee motivation

(D) planned employee welfare

20) Human Resource Planning helps ——

(A) to meet goals

(B) to keep pace with changes

(C) to prepare employee budget

(D) All of these

21) Job analysis is the basis of ——

(A) recruitment

(B) selection

(C) placement

(D) All of these

22) Which of the following is not an external source of recruitment?

(A) Government Employment Exchange 

(B) Private Employment Exchange

(C) Family members of the deceased employee

(D) Contractors

23) Training is the process of increasing the knowledge of doing ——

(A) a particular job

(B) many jobs

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

24) On-the-Job training methods include ——

(A) job rotation

(B) job analysis.

(C) job specification

(D) job description

25) Which of the following is not one of the On-the-Job methods of development?

(A) Apprenticeship

(B) Mentoring

(C) Vestibule training

(D) Coaching

26) ___ is related to Job Evaluation.

(A) Job Specification

(B) Job Analysis

(C) Job Description

(D) All of these.

27) Example of Non-quantitative method of Job Evaluation is ——

(A) point rating method

(B) job gradation method

(C) factor comparison method

(D) All of these

28) Example of traditional method of performance appraisal is —–

(A) confidential report

(B) 360 degree appraisal

(C) appraisal through MBO

(D) assessment centre.

29) Promotion means ——

(A) Employee’s upward movement to a higher authority 

(B) Employee’s upward movement to a powerful position 

(C) Employee’s upward movement to a higher post 

(D) All of these

30) Merit based promotion is dependent on _______ of the employee.

(A) job related knowledge

(B) skills and abilities

(C) efficiency and performance

(D) All of these.


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